Successful Winter Storage Tips
Though temperatures have been a bit inconsistent, we think it’s safe to say winter is over. Here are a few tips on proper storage that will leave your winter clothes looking like new.
1. Make sure your clothes are dry cleaned before you put them away. Clothes often have stains that you can’t see which attract critters that damage your clothes.
2. Before storing your clothes make sure to vacuum your closet as critters often hide their cocoons in corners. We also recommend moth balls or cedar blocks which can be put in drawers or hung in closets.
3. Make sure to fold sweaters instead of hanging them, especially cashmere, as wools tend to stretch more on a hanger.
4. Always store your clothes away from the window, fibers exposed to too much sunlight can weaken and fade fabrics.
5. When storing jackets don’t forget to zip all the zippers up. If any are broken, now is a great time to have them repaired so you’ll be ready to go when the temperature drops.
6. UGGS! If you have them, we suggest cleaning them now before you put them away for the season. The salt and water from winter can fade and damage the surface as they sit, making them harder to clean later.